Homeowner (5)

What to do in a power outage
January 16, 2020
2 Minute read
Has your power been disconnected due to windstorms or other extreme weather conditions? If so, here is what you need to know about Technical Safety BC's role in power outages and who to contact to get reconnected.

Stuck in an Elevator? 3 Things You Must Know
August 28, 2019
3 Minute read
Getting stuck in an elevator can be scary. But it's important to stay calm and know what to do - and not to do. Here are our recommendations.

Ask a safety officer: Does installing a hot tub require a permit?
August 21, 2019
2 Minute read
If a licensed electrician is doing the install, is a permit still required?

Ask a safety officer: Barbecue safety
June 10, 2019
2 Minute read
As the months get warmer and British Columbians fire up their barbecues, we've rounded up the most common gas barbecue questions our safety officers get asked.

Licence to thrill: Staying safe on amusement rides
June 4, 2019
4 Minute read
The sun is shining, school is almost out, and the lure of outdoor amusement parks may be calling. But whether your kids enjoy a gentle spin on a traditional carousel, or a scream-inducing drop on a roller coaster, what you may not realize is that amusement parks can be a source of injuries, if you don't follow the necessary precautions.

The 1 thing you must do before you excavate
April 5, 2019
2 Minute read
Digging without checking if there are buried utilities can have serious consequences. Get the facts and call before you dig.

Spring home tune up tips
March 27, 2019
2 Minute read
Spring is here - which is a great time to consider having your gas-fueled appliances checked and "tuned up" to protect against carbon monoxide.

Ask an electrical safety officer: Is installation of an electrical outlet inside a drawer permitted?
March 6, 2019
1 Minute read
In general, the BC Electrical Code does not allow the use of receptacles in cupboards and drawers. However, there are some exceptions. Learn more!

Ask a gas safety officer: What kind of carbon monoxide detector should I look for?
January 2, 2019
3 Minute read
Here are the most important things to know when you are choosing a new carbon monoxide detector.
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