Amusement Devices

Zip Line Safety 101: Tips for a Thrilling and Safe Adventure
July 25, 2023
2 Minute read
Navigate new heights securely with our zip-lining safety 101 guide. Understand equipment inspection, gear selection, and safety instructions.

Bouncy Castles Safety: Know the Ups and Downs
April 24, 2023
2 Minute read
Keep your children safe on bouncy castles! Learn about the essential safety measures to look for before allowing your child to use them in public settings. Check out our guide on the ups and downs of bouncy castle safety to ensure that your child has a fun and safe experience at public events.

Ask a safety officer: Amusement device permits, contractors and fines
October 14, 2021
2 Minute read
Our amusement device safety officers are asked what they look for during an inspection, to what permits are required for specific amusement device.

What safety officers look for during an amusement ride inspection
October 12, 2021
3 Minute read
Want to know what our safety officers are looking for when inspecting your amusement rides? Get prepared for their visit by reviewing this list.

Hitting the water park this summer? Waterslide safety questions answered
July 22, 2020
3 Minute read
Summer means more people on the waterslide. How do I know the slide is safe? Where do I report unsafe waterslides? Read our top waterslide questions.

Licence to thrill: Staying safe on amusement rides
June 4, 2019
4 Minute read
The sun is shining, school is almost out, and the lure of outdoor amusement parks may be calling. But whether your kids enjoy a gentle spin on a traditional carousel, or a scream-inducing drop on a roller coaster, what you may not realize is that amusement parks can be a source of injuries, if you don't follow the necessary precautions.

Physical inspections: How do safety officers decide and prioritize?
May 3, 2019
3 Minute read
Physical inspections, how do safety officers decide and prioritize. What role does machine learning play in physical inspections.

6 bouncy castle tips to keep your child safe
April 24, 2019
3 Minute read
More bouncy castles are appearing at events but how do you know they are safe? Read our bouncy castle tips to keep your child safe.

Top 4 reasons why you should report incidents and hazards
February 21, 2019
2 Minute read
Do you know why you should report incidents and hazards? Here are four reasons than can benefit your organization.
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