Safety stories
Through our safety stories, we share helpful information to help British Columbians have safe interactions with regulated equipment.
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Hitting the water park this summer? Waterslide safety questions answered
July 22, 2020
3 Minute read
Summer means more people on the waterslide. How do I know the slide is safe? Where do I report unsafe waterslides? Read our top waterslide questions.

Four safety tips for cabin renovations
July 13, 2020
3 Minute read
Before getting together for cabin renovations, or asking friends to do electrical work over beers, check out these renovation tips for cabin safety.

What is the difference between a gas “product approval” and a “commissioning approval”?
July 12, 2020
3 Minute read
Learn the difference between these two types of appliance product approvals for regulated gas appliances.

Choosing a contractor for home renovations? Your contractor questions answered.
May 19, 2020
3 Minute read
Finding the right contractor on top of planning a kitchen remodel or a basement upgrade can be exciting, but it can also be a lot of work. Here, we answer questions about finding the right contractor for your home renovation.

Why do we keep putting ourselves at risk of electric shock?
April 7, 2020
3 Minute read
An electrical contractor was replacing a damaged light fixture in an underground parkade. The circuit was still energized so the contractor paused and shouted to let his supervisor know. The response? Keep going anyway.

6 common causes of electrical shock in the home
January 30, 2020
2 Minute read
Electrical shock at home can be caused by overloaded electrical outlets, exposed wires, damaged cords and much more. Take these precautions to stay safe.

What to do in a power outage
January 16, 2020
2 Minute read
Has your power been disconnected due to windstorms or other extreme weather conditions? If so, here is what you need to know about Technical Safety BC's role in power outages and who to contact to get reconnected.

When on the slopes think safety over selfie
December 19, 2019
1 Minute read
Put safety over selfies. The biggest sources of chairlift related injury are unruly behaviour, distracted activity, and failure to follow safety signage.

Stuck in an Elevator? 3 Things You Must Know
August 28, 2019
3 Minute read
Getting stuck in an elevator can be scary. But it's important to stay calm and know what to do - and not to do. Here are our recommendations.
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