Technical Safety BC Blog

SkyTrain Safety: 6 Tips for a Safe and Smooth Commute

Written by Technical Safety BC | September 20, 2024

Riding the SkyTrain is one of the most convenient ways to travel around Vancouver and the Lower Mainland. According to TransLink, ridership surpassed 140 million boardings in 2023. With so many people using the system every day, it's crucial to be aware of the potential risks and prioritize safety on your commute. Here are some essential tips for staying safe while waiting for your next train. 

  1. Stand back from the platform edge 
    One of the most important safety tips when riding the SkyTrain is to stand back from the platform edge. This is particularly important when trains are arriving or departing. The trains are fast and powerful, and getting too close to the edge can be dangerous. Always stand behind the yellow safety line to avoid the risk of accidentally falling onto the tracks. 

  2. Watch your step 
    Be sure to watch your step when getting on and off the train. There is often a small gap between the train and the platform, so it's important to pay attention and step carefully. If you are traveling with children, make sure to hold their hands tightly and guide them as they get on and off the train. 

  3. Don’t run for the train 
    Running for a train may be an instinct when you're in a hurry, but it could be a dangerous decision. Station platforms can be slippery, especially with the infamous Vancouver rain, and running increases your chances of slipping and injuring yourself. If you're carrying bags or other items, running can make it difficult to maintain your balance and stay in control of your belongings. By walking, you are better able to stay aware of your surroundings and avoid any potential hazards on the platform. 

  4. Use the emergency phone
    Every SkyTrain station is equipped with emergency phones that can be used in case of an emergency. These phones are located on the platform. Inside the train cars you can access silent alarm strips and emergency buttons if there is an issue on the train. If you or someone else needs help, press the emergency call button or use the emergency phone immediately. A SkyTrain attendant will be alerted, and help will be sent your way.

  5. Stay clear of the doors
    When the SkyTrain arrives at a station, the doors will open automatically. Make sure to stay clear of the doors and allow others to exit before boarding. Do not attempt to hold the doors open or force them closed. 

  6. If you drop something, ask for help
    If you drop something like your cellphone on the tracks, never try to retrieve it by yourself. Inform the station attendant or a member of the SkyTrain staff immediately. They will be able to retrieve the item safely using the appropriate equipment and procedures. Trying to retrieve the item yourself can be extremely dangerous and even life-threatening as the high voltage third rail poses an electrocution risk.  

By following these simple tips, you can stay safe while riding the SkyTrain. Remember to always be aware of your surroundings, watch your step, and follow the rules.  

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